Political Leadership


The 2019-2020 HEAL SoPL leaders are teams of farmers, community activists, organizers, educators, and advocates working in diverse communities across the United States. Their work is creating pathways for a reimagined food and farm system - one in which every community has the right and the means to produce, procure, prepare, share, and eat nutritionally and culturally appropriate food free from exploitation of themselves, any other people, or the rest of the natural world.

The second year of HEAL's School of Political Leadership supported teams of talented, passionate, food and farm justice leaders who are advocating for policies and solutions that will reimagine how our food and farm systems function. Over nine months, HEAL's School of Political Leadership equipped a cohort comprised of 11 leaders with the tools, knowledge, and skills they need to lead campaigns and drive political change.


How Do We End Food Apartheid


The Continuum of POC Leadership